Meditation and Mindfulness

Program / Meditation

Mindfulness, Meditation & Healing

Our meditation is a blend of ancient techniques with modern science and tools. These techniques are helpful to everyone to heal there physical, mental and spiritual being.

Meditation & Mindfulness is the only way to blissful living. We have experienced and simplified these dimensions/techniques. So that you can have these blissful moments in todays busy life.

expert team

Meditation Programs

Self Healing

Healing Programs

Meditation teacher training

Traning Programs

meditation retreats
Prayannam breathing

Breathing Secrets

This program will allow you to experience the special breathing technique that leads you to deep meditation.

2 Hours Session
7 chakra meditation

7 Chakra Meditation

7 Chakra meditation and therapy to improve physical, mental and spiritual health.

1 Hour Session
love and gratitude meditation

Love & Gratitude Meditation.

Love & Gratitude meditation to spread love and gratitude to existence.

1 Hour Session
kundalini yoga

Kundalini Awakening.

This is a very intense program to awaken the power of kundalini shakti (energy) within us.

1 Week Program
Nature Meditation

Nature Meditation.

Nature Energy Meditation is to connect with nature and get energy from 5 elements

3 Days Program
Past Life Regression.

Past Life Regression.

PLR sessions to get in subconscious mind and connect with our past life memories.

3 Sessions of 1 Hour
Self Hypnosis.

Self Hypnosis.

Manifest you goals to opportunities and achieve with your power of subconscious mind.

1 Hours Session
Osho Meditation

Osho Meditations.

We also practice Supreme Master Osho’s meditations. Special Osho Retreats/Groups also organised

1 Hours Session
sound and color therapy

Sound & Colour Therapy.

Special programs for colour and sound healing to improve our physical, mental and spiritual health.

1 Hours Session
meditation teacher training

Meditation Teacher Training

The relaxation technique of meditation has become more popular as time passes, and the interest in it has increased and grown. An increasing number of trained meditation coaches now help individuals who are interested progress on their own path of self-discovery.

Emotional Health Coach

Our emotional health is just as import as physical health, and a coach who can help us manage our feelings can be a valuable tool in achieving overall wellness. An emotional health coach helps people to become more aware of their emotions and how to use them effectively. An emotional health coach uses a variety of techniques to help identify the root causes of emotions.

Emotional Health Coach

1heaven is a spiritual, wellness, and adventure retreat organization that offers a range of programs designed to help individuals connect with their inner selves, find inner peace, and embark on a journey of self-discovery.


Dehradun, INDIA
Toronto, CANADA